Explore the "Fake Call" and "Fake Text" Features

Get yourself out of a potentially dangerous situation with these fake communications

The "Fake Call" and "Fake Text" features were designed as deescalation tools, or as a convenient way to remove yourself from awkward or uncomfortable situations. By enabling one of these features in the POM Safe Enterprise mobile app, you will be able to trigger a fake call or text with "One Hold" functionality (or additionally with "Double Click" if you are a POM Mobile user).

To configure either the "Fake Call" or "Fake Text" feature, click on the hamburger menu on the top left of the home screen in the POM Safe Enterprise mobile app, then choose your device, then "Alert Configuration".


"Fake Call" Feature

Note: POM Mobile users will need to select either "One Hold" or "Double Click" before they will see the setting screens below.

You can configure the "Fake Call" feature by move the slider to blue. If you click on the button, you can see detail about the number the call will come from. A call will be placed to your phone that will always come from the same number (shown below), so it is recommended to save the number as a contact that will help you excuse yourself from a situation (e.g. "John From Work"). You should also save that contact as a favorite so it will still come through when your phone is in "Do Not Disturb" mode.


"Fake Text" Feature

Note: POM Mobile users will need to select either "One Hold" or "Double Click" before they will see the setting screens below.

You can configure the "Fake Text" feature by move the slider to blue. If you click on the button, you can change the default message to whatever text you want to receive. To save the message, click "Set One Hold" (or "Set Double Click" if you're configuring "Double Click" for a POM Mobile).


The texts come from the same phone number as the fake phone calls (+1-888-501-7273), so if you haven't already saved this number as a contact that you can use to excuse yourself from situations, please do so. Unlike phone calls, though, texts from favorites will not always come through if your phone is in "Do Not Disturb". On Android, you can star the conversation from this number and it should make it through "Do Not Disturb". On iPhone, you can either add the POM number as a bypass under the "Focus" menu, "Do Not Disturb" option, or you can edit the contact you've created for this number, and choose "Text Tone", then set "Emergency Bypass".