"Settings" Tab in Admin Software

Overall settings and available licenses for the organization

General settings for the organization can be found on the Settings tab in the admin software. From here, admins can see overall licenses purchased and consumed, the current invite code, and when current licenses expire.


Clicking the three button menu on the top left will bring up a few options to switch between subscriptions, change the invite code, or invite a new user.


The information in the bottom part of the settings screen can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon. The name of the organization can be changed, as can the passcode users will use to let dispatch know they are not in trouble if they accidentally trigger an alarm. The shipping location for any devices can also be specified. As you scroll down, there are additional settings that can be edited.


Admins can designate whether mobile devices are personal or company owned, as well as whether the distribution of mobile devices includes iOS, Android, or both. The retention policy for alerts and reports can also be set (number of days), after which the data will be removed from the admin system. Admins can also decide whether device location is always shown on the map on the dashboard, or only when an alert is triggered.