POM Admin Software Overview

A general overview of the POM Admin software that will be used by your organization's security staff

The POM admin software is a portal used by an organization or university's security staff to monitor POM devices, users, and alerts. It comes with comprehensive reporting capabilities to support executive readouts and any mandatory security reports that need to be create. This article provides a brief overview of what a user will see when they first log in, different permission types, and how users are invited to access.

When a user logs in, they will have a different view depending on their permission (details in "System User Permissions" below). All users land on the Dashboard, which is shown in the screenshot below (note the features categorized as "General" and "Admin" on the left hand side). Users can access their profile settings and change their password by clicking on their initial on the top right of the screen. 


Each of the General and Admin features, as well as profile settings, are described in detail in separate articles in the knowledge base.

System User Permissions

There are three levels of System User permission for the POM admin portal:

  • Admin: able to access to all General and Admin features of the admin portal and see all users and devices
  • Team Leader: able to access only General features of the admin portal and see only the users and devices attached to their team
  • Dispatcher: only able to access the Dashboard

Invitation to Access

Upon initial rollout of POM devices, our implementation team will ask for a list of names, emails, and titles for System Users that will need to access the admin portal, as well as level of permission (Admin, Team Leader, or Dispatcher). After initial rollout, any Admins will have the ability to add new System Users to the admin portal.

When a new System User is added, they will receive an email with their user name (email), a temporary password, and a link to the portal. Upon initial login, they will be required to update their password.
